A world disaster or catastrophe is an event involving a serious disturbance of public security arose, whereby the lives and health of many people, the environment or material interests seriously threatened or harmed, and that a coordinated deployment of services and organizations of different disciplines is required to counter the threat to eliminate or reduce the harmful effects.
Practically there is no strict separation between a crisis and a disaster. By a disaster are many people and agencies involved. That could be the role of a victim, someone who is damaged, rescuer, driver, survivor or otherwise.
It can be categorized into few types of disasters:
Natural world disaster
- Landslides
- Earthquakes
- Volcanic eruptions
- Fires
- Hurricanes
- Cyclones
- Flooding
- Tsunamis and other tidal waves
- Epidemics
A number of very rare events that can lead to a world disaster are:
- Eruption of a super volcano.
- Impacts of a planetoids or comet.
- Hyper nova or supernova of a nearby star.
People induced disaster
A disaster resulting from human activity or human presence which also known as man-made disaster, such as humanitarian caused by war, aircraft, train, nuclear accidents and environmental disasters.
Terrorists attack, USA 9/11/2001 |
Vietnam war: Viet Cong dead after an attack on the perimeter of Tan Son Nhut Air Base (photo: SP5 Edgar Price Pictorial A.V. Plt. 69th Sig. Bn. (A) (photo: Wikimedia Commons/ The Vietnam Center and Archive.) |
Culture disaster
A Culture disaster is a disaster which results that the continuity of a culture seriously affected and that many of the important aspects of a civilization will be lost.
one of Ireland's oldest monastic islands |
Humanitarian disaster
When a long event disastrous consequences has for large groups of people this is said a humanitarian disaster. This can be the result from human activities or nature.
A Sudanese child looks up in a feeding centre run by the medical charity Doctors Without Borders in the village of Paliang, May 25. |
humanitarian disaster unfolds in Sri Lanka |
Children Killed in SF Shell Attacks |
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